Eastern Art Online, Yousef Jameel Centre for Islamic and Asian Art

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Greenware funerary jar with five spouts

  • loan

Glossary (4)

glaze, luted, slip, stoneware

  • glaze

    Vitreous coating applied to the surface of a ceramic to make it impermeable or for decorative effect.

  • luted

    The fusion of parts of ceramics using dilute clay slip.

  • slip

    A semi-fluid clay applied to a ceramic before glazing either to coat the surface or for decorative effect.

  • stoneware

    Ceramic material made of clay which is fired to a temperature of c.1200-1300⁰c and is often buff or grey in colour.


    • currently in research collection

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Publications online

  • The Barlow Collection by the University of Sussex

    The Barlow Collection

    A related jar without cover in Japan is dated in accordance with AD 1080 by an inscription engraved before firing. The piece is similar to the jar [LI1301.211], also in the Barlow Collection. The cover on the present piece is, however, unusual in fitting over the neck of the jar rather than inside it. It is also rather large in proportion and probably belonged originally to a another, larger jar.

    The tall ovoid jar has a low curved section below and four bulging bands further up, a cylindrical neck and a splayed foot with a low footring. Five tall polygonal tubes are attached around the upper part. The domed cover fits over the neck of the jar and has an everted wavy rim with four cut-out notches and a hollow, bud-shaped knob. The central part of the jar is decorated with a design of incised and combed petals, which is repeated on the cover. The upper two registers and lowest part of the jar and the knob of the cover are incised with vertical ribs, those at the lower part joined at the top to form simple petals. The foot and neck are plain. The piece is covered with a light green glaze which leaves free a wide ring inside the cover and was scraped from the footring and base. The biscuit has burnt a reddish tone.

© 2013 University of Oxford - Ashmolean Museum